Thursday – Abortion debate hosted by NUIG Society

abortion debate

Abortion debate – pro-choice or pro-life?
Hosted by the NUI Galway Literary and Debating Society
Thursday, March 8 @ 8pm
Kirwan Theatre, NUIG

All those interested are welcome to come to the Kirwan Theatre Thusday at 8 p.m. to debate the motion, “This house would legalise abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy”.

The guest speaker in favour of the motion is Janet O’Sullivan of the Abortion Rights Campaign, while the guest speaker against is Lorcan Price of the Pro-Life Campaign.

Professor John Morrison, head of obstetrics and gynaecology in NUIG, will give a factual presentation on the medical aspects of the issue without arguing for or against the motion.

As always, audience members will have the opportunity to participate in the debate and give speeches too.

The main debate will be preceded by Private Members’ Time from 7 p.m., when any member of the society may propose a motion for debate on whatever subject they wish.