Saturday – Using drama for children seeking asylum

Asylum Workshop

Workshop on Using Drama to Explore Refuge and Asylum Justice Issues with Children
Saturday, Feb 10 @ 2pm
O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance, NUIG
Free entry with pre-booking

A workshop with acclaimed teacher and drama facilitator Irene O’Meara

On Saturday 10th February, Irene O’Meara will return to Galway to offer a half-day workshop for educators.

Irene has over 20 years’ experience in the use of drama with young people in a variety of settings, and is in constant demand to share her skills with others.

In Galway she will offer practical and inspiring examples on the use of drama and theatre techniques to explore issues around asylum and refuge with young people, and how we can build awareness and empathy at a time of unprecedented crisis.

The workshop is open to primary and secondary teachers, as well as youth and community workers. Irene’s last workshop in Galway – a week-long teacher training event with Baboro – was sold out and received glowing feedback from participants.

The training will be held at the O’Donoghue Centre for Drama and Theatre at NUIG (next to Bailey Allen Hall) and will run from 2-5pm.

The workshop is available free of charge, but booking is essential.

To reserve a place, or for more information, please contact Vicky Donnelly at Galway One World Centre at, or by phone at 0872645344.

Take a look at what else is on this weekend