The Fantastic Mr. Anderson: Thursday 22-29


A week long showcase of the films of Wes Anderson                                                          Thursday, March 22-29 @6:30pm                                                                                          The Pálás Movie Theatre, 15 Merchants Rd. Lower                                                    Tickets €11/€8.50 concession, book online

To celebrate the release of Wes Anderson’s latest film Isle of Dogs next week, the Pálás Theatre is running a marathon of his marathon of his films until next Thursday to get fans in the properly quirky state of mind.

Known for his unique visual storytelling with bright colours and kids who dress and act like adults, Anderson has brought his strange take on comedy and drama to screens for more than 20 years now.

Every night for the next week the Pálás will be screening a different Anderson film from his first short film Bottle Rocket (1996) through to The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014).

Tickets can be booked online at the and cost €11, or €8.50 for children, students and seniors. Curtains open at 6:30pm every night

Thursday 22: Bottle Rocket                                                                                                Friday 23: Rushmore                                                                                                      Saturday 24: The Royal Tenenbaums                                                                            Sunday 25: Fantastic Mr. Fox                                                                                                Monday 26: The Darjeeling Limited                                                                                Tuesday 27: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zisou                                                                        Wednesday 28: Moonrise Kingdom                                                                              Thursday 29: The Grand Budapest Hotel