Assault victims asked for compensation to be donated to charity

Galway Daily news Galway has Ireland's 3rd highest number of charities

Two men who were assaulted in 2016, Marek Bluma and Seamus Leonard, asked for their court ordered compensation be donated to charity.

Ciarán Savage, of 20 Wellpark Grove Galway, was ordered to pay €800 in compensation to the two men at his last appearance before the District Court.

The court also ordered a Garda Behavioural Report for Savage to be prepared for today.

Gardaí said the results of the report were promising, and that Savage hadn’t come to their attention since then.

Savage, who has seven previous offences, was charged under Section 2 of the Non Fatal Offences Against Person Act, which covers less serious assaults.

Solicitor for the defence Brian Gilmartin said his client had €700 in court, which was all he could save.

Since neither victim was in court to designate a charity to receive the money, Judge Fahy ordered it be given to Galway Hospice.

Savage received a four month sentence for each assault charge, to run concurrently, which were suspended for 12 months.