Workshop to help entrepreneurs get into Competitive Start Fund

Galway daily business city workshop to help entrepreneurs into Competitive Start Fund

A workshop will take place in Galway city later this month for entrepreneurs and young businesses apply to the Competitive Start Fund.

The Competitive Start Fund is an initiative from Enterprise Ireland to help start-ups with the potential to compete on global markets reach the next stage of their development.

You are eligible to apply if you are an existing or potential client of Enterprise Ireland’s High Potential Start-Up Department.

In order to apply, you must be able to show that the product or service has reached its minimum viability stage and is at least live in beta.

Ideally applicants should also have a proposition for how their product addresses a gap in the market with evidence of market research as well as innovation and the capacity for export and employment opportunities with the product.

There should also be an executive plan outlined show what channels you have identified to international markets.

A full breakdown of the fund’s eligibility criteria can be found on Enterprise Ireland’s website.

This workshop is being held as collaboration between WestBIC and Enterprise Ireland to help individuals and businesses compete for the Competitive Start Fund.

It will provide applicants with an overview of the Competitive Start Fund, in depth analysis and guidance for the application process, and a sample video pitch which is a required part of the application.

Attendees will also get the opportunity to speak with a successful CSF applicant company.

The workshop is being held at Galway Technology Centre on the Wellpark Road on Monday, January 28 from 12:30-3:00pm.

Anyone interested in this free event can book their place online now.