Sweeney Oil named Business of the Year by Galway Chamber


Sweeney Oil was named the Galway Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year 2019 at the recent Gala Ball and awards ceremony.

On top of winning the overall prize for business of the year, Sweeney Oil also topped the Best SME category sponsored by AIB.

The Galway Chamber of Commerce Business Awards in association with Shannon Group plc was attended by a record number of business from the city and further afield at the end of last month.

The Awards celebrates all that is good about Galway’s business community with the theme for this year being ‘Imeall an Iarthair- Ag Obair As Lámha a Chéile’ or ‘Western Edge, Working Together’.

Galway Chamber said that this theme captures the spirit of cooperation and community that makes Galway’s businesses succeed locally, nationally and internationally by working together.

“Our Business Awards provide an opportunity for Galway’s business community to recognise outstanding achievement by their peers across Galway,” said Galway Chamber President Dave Hickey in a wide ranging address at the 16th annual awards.

“The breadth and quality of the entries, nominees and ultimate winners shows that we have a vibrant and talented business community based here.”

Mr Hickey also spoke about the spirit of cooperation which makes Galway the best place in Ireland to live, to work, and to visit.

The full list of winners at this year’s awards were:

President’s Award sponsored by PwC
Winner: John Breslin

Dr. Chris Coughlan Award for Best Emerging Enterprise sponsored by WestBIC and Galway Technology Centre

Best Innovation/R&D sponsored by EY
Loci Orthopaedics

Best SME sponsored by AIB
Winner: Sweeney Oil

Best Customer Service sponsored by Bank of Ireland

Best Marketing including Social & Digital Media sponsored by Galway City Council
Connacht Hotel

Best CSR/Sustainability sponsored by Magnet Networks
University of Sanctuary Campaign & Movement @ NUI Galway

Best Tourism Product/Campaign sponsored by Shannon Airport
Winner: Trad on the Prom