Galway has been named one of the most green and sustainable cities in Europe and the world for business tourism and events.
The Global Destination Sustainability (GDS) Index, ranked Galway 13th in Europe in its latest ratings for 2022.
The GDS Index is a global rating system designed to recognise responsible practices in the business tourism and events industry.
This year saw Galway’s score improve from 67.50 in 2021 to 73.16 for 2022, also placing the city 30th in global rankings.
Galway Convention Bureau, which led the city’s application, welcomed the news. Niamh Stack, of the Bureau, said that they are delighted to see their score on the index getting better each year.
“There were a lot more entrants in 2022 which is another positive step in ensuring that countries and this industry are not just playing lip service to the very real environmental problems we are facing.”
“We have a lot of work done but we still need to do more in the area of sustainability. But we can now confidently market Galway as a sustainable destination to the global events industry which may help secure future sustainable conference business to Galway.”
The rankings are designed to help MICE planners choose progressive destinations with top sustainability credentials.
The index is compiled by measuring and comparing the social, environmental, supplier and destination sustainability strategies, policies, and performance of participating cities around the world.
Under the Convention Bureaux of Ireland brand, Fáilte Ireland provides both strategic and operational direction as well as funding via service level agreements.
Niamh Stack said that it is hoped that Galway will crack the top 10 in Europe within the next two to three years.
“Working with our industry partners as a collaborative effort, and leading the way Galway can become a world leader and set the start for sustainable green business tourism.”
Ruairí Lehmann, Tourism Officer, added, “We are delighted to see Galway improve its scoring on the Global Destination Sustainability Index.”
“This index showcases the great work being done within the sector and we would encourage more businesses to engage with the Galway Convention Bureau on improving their sustainability credentials.”
The city council have a number of measures underway to improve sustainability in the city, she added, which can be best achieved by working with the business community.