Sorcha needs to watch her back in Ros na Rún

Galway Daily television Sorcha needs to watch her back in Ros na Rún

Sorcha needs to watch her back, Sonny has a stark choice to make, and Vera is spreading rumours around the village in Ros na Rún.

Malachaí sneaks around, under pressure to conceal the truth from Sadie. He feels backed into a corner by Sorcha, and she’d better watch her back, because he’ll fight dirty.

Sorcha, for her part, is out to prove Malachaí doesn’t have diabetes. But does she take things too far?

Sonny still has a choice to make. To stand with Crystal or to stand with Mack. What’s the right decision for him?

David and Bobbi Lee go to clean up Berni’s apartment after Briain’s death but Berni is not happy.

Niall is skeptical about taking the new job. Bobbi Lee is not happy when he insults her, but is there truth in Niall’s words?

Vera gets the wrong end of the stick and starts to spread rumors which leave Berni feeling betrayed. Will the truth come out?

Catch up on all the latest scandals cooking in Ros na Rún in a double feature on TG4 this Sunday at 7:30pm.