Sonny drops a bombshell on Tadhg in Ros na Rún

Galway Daily television Sonny drops a bombshell on Tadhg in Ros na Rún

Rónán is a suspect in a person’s death, Sonny drops more than one bombshell on Tadhg, and Máire butts heads with Laoise in Ros na Rún.

Rónán hoping to earn some extra cash, by delivering Charlie’s food order, ends up a suspect in his death, but can he prove his innocence?

Tadhg discovers that Sonny is indeed family, but any chance of that easing tensions between the two are thrown out by what Sonny does next.

Máire and Laoise butt heads over their B&B, as Máire has become used to doing things her own way, and Laoise is not happy to see how quickly she was replaced.

Catch up on all the latest in Ros na Rún this week in a double feature omnibus on TG4 at 7:30pm this Sunday.