RTE star Baz Ashmawy wants to know if you’re looking for a Wingman?

Galway Daily art & culture baz wingman casting call

Baz Ashmawy is a great guy to have on your side if you’re trying to make a change in your life, and now might be the time to get him as the hit RTE series Wingman is looking for participants for season 2 of the show.

Mahy Media, who are producing this show for RTÉ said “As we get out of the traps, are those dreams and unfulfilled ambitions waiting to be unleashed, albeit with a little helpful nudge – in the form of Baz Ashmawy!

“Now this is your chance! Seize the moment and do something extraordinary for yourself –
or for someone close to you in your life! We all know someone who is in need of

“Having guided farmer Jimmy onto the stage in front of a local sell-out crowd, helped
Emma overcome her fear and battle her way into the octagon, and brought Conor and
Joe on the Ultimate Lads Lads Roadtrip, Baz is looking for new participants to take under
his wing and fulfil their ultimate dream in a new series of Baz Ashmawy: Wingman.”

“The series is about helping people to achieve a dream / ambition, to do the thing they
always wanted to do before life got in the way. It might be to learn a skill or experience
something they have always wanted to do.”

“Maybe it’s dating, a crazy adventure, a childhood dream they never forgot. It might be
something you want to do with a sibling, or a friend. It might be a totally new ambition.”

“Or maybe you don’t know what you want, but you just know that you need a wingman.
Wingman Baz now wants to help make those lockdown ambitions come to life.”

“This isn’t about something you can do yourself, but that burning dream ambition that has been out of arms reach until now.”

“Baz will be with you every step of the way to encourage you, to mentor you, to push you across that achievable finish line!”

For more information on the series or to apply to take part on the series and have Baz
take you under his wing, log onto rte.ie/wingman or e-mail info@mahymedia.com