Ros na Rún – Sonia is starting to remember, bad news for Diana

Ros na Rún - Sonia is starting to remember, bad news for Diana

Sonia is starting to remember which is bad news for Diana, Niall fears for the future of his career, and Bobbi Lee plays matchmaker in Ros na Rún.

Diana goes out of her way to avoid Mack, and he is not pleased. Later on, Diana finds herself trapped and it is Mack who comes to her rescue.

The pair finally get the chance to talk things through and rekindle their friendship. Diana gives Mack a choice. But what does Mack actually want?

Noreen gives John Joe an update that leaves him with a false sense of security. John Joe lies through his teeth to Sonny.

Meanwhile, Tadhg welcomes Noreen home by telling her that Mack is staying in her room, and she is not a happy camper… She finds herself stuck in a bind. Will Noreen be able to keep her mouth shut?

Niall fears for the future of his show when he is inundated with negative reviews. Bobbi Lee dismisses his worries and Annette puts pressure on him to improve his listenership.

To top it all off, Niall receives a worrying letter and decides to not tell Bobbi Lee about it. What does it say?

Sonia is devastated when she learns she is going to be allowed home. On top of all this, Colm and Sam push her to remember things and Sonia is finally filled in on the night of her assault.

Colm shares some worrying information with Diana. Is Sonia’s memory finally coming back?

Bobbi Lee hatches a plan to reunite Annette and David, and Niall is left with no choice but to help out.

Bobbi Lee gives Annette a makeover and Niall is tasked with tracking down a hunk… Whatever could go wrong?

Catch up on all the latest drama taking place in the not-so-sleepy village of Ros na Rún in a double-feature omnibus on TG4 this Sunday.