Perilous poitin and a missing Miss makes for a hot feud in Ros na Rún

Perilous poitin and a missing Miss makes for a hot feud in Ros na Rún

Cóilí Jackie and Malachaí’s feud heats up, with suspicion on both sides, and Diana is fixing to frame Mack in Ros na Rún.

O’Shea questions if it may be time to retire from her job. Diana fearful of what her replacement might discover, does all she can to persuade O’Shea not to.

Cóilí Jackie fears Sadie may have come to harm while in Italy, with Malachaí surely to blame, and does all he can to locate her. But is there any cause for his concern?

Noreen, sick to the teeth of Tadhg’s antics, threatens to expose him as ‘Fear Feasa’, and also has to deal with her brother Stiofáin arriving in the village.

Malachaí is convinced that Cóilí Jackie’s poitín was to blame for his collapse and is intent on making him pay for it.

Diana goes even further in her efforts to keep blame for Frankie’s fall away from herself by planting evidence in Mack’s bedroom.

Catch all the lates developments in Ros na Rún this week in a double feature omnibus on TG4 at 7:30pm on Sunday evening.