Michelle tries to hide the fact that she’s a millionaire in Ros na Rún

Galway Daily television Michelle tries to hide the fact that she's a millionaire in Ros na Rún

Sonny floors Tadgh by revealing who he is, Berni’s plan is getting out of hand, and Michelle hides that she’s a millionaire in Ros na Rún.

Michelle, trying to hide the fact that she’s a millionaire, haggles hard with Sorcha to get the best price for Sadie’s painting. She thinks nothing of this until she’s told of Sorcha’s upset.  

Máire is due back in the village today, and Laoise is worried what she will make of the renovations done to the B&B in her absence.

Will the two of them be able to settle into working together at the B&B, or will sparks fly?

Sonny takes Malachaí’s advice to endear himself to the people of Ros na Rún before going to Tadhg and revealing who he is. But when he does, it knocks the old man flat.

Berni is determined to conceal her pregnancy from everyone until she and Tony are a well established ‘couple’. But Tony may be taking the ruse further than she had ever intended.

Bobbi Lee, wanting the wedding of her dreams, is prepared to hoodwink Niall into  getting it. What could possibly go wrong.

Catch up on all the latest drama from this week’s episodes of Ros na Rún in a double feature omnibus on TG4 this Sunday.