Greg is left reeling from the revenge plans of others in Ros na Rún

Galway Daily television Greg is left reeling from the revenge plans of others in Ros na Rún

Greg is left reeling from the plans of others, Sonny thinks his son is up to no good, and Colm intercepts a shocking letter in Ros na Rún.

Greg has been well and truly played by Michelle and Malachaí. But will he try and salvage the situation by convincing Sorcha he did nothing wrong?

Sonny believes Che is up to no good and is furious he may miss his flight back to the  states. Will Che surprise his father?  

Colm reads a letter Michelle has sent to Sonia, and is shocked by its content, putting him on a collision course with Mack with hearts on the line.

O’Shea admonishes Diana on finding out she let the thief who stole from Peatsaí walk free, something that she may come to regret.

Niall has to adjust Gaudi’s menu due to Bobbi Lee forgetting to place a meat order. Time for her to step up to the plate and prove her competence.

Annette wants nothing more than to keep her job in the café, and is keen to show Berni she is more than capable of working alongside her. Though that may not be reciprocated.

Sadie receives a letter in the post telling her of what Greg and Sorcha did, and that  Malachaí had full knowledge of it. Nothing pretty can follow on from this.

Catch up on all the latest secrets, schemes, and scandals from Ros na Rún on TG4 this Easter Sunday.