Over the Edge celebrating 17 years sharing people’s love of poetry and fiction

Galway Daily arts & culture Call to local writers for the Over the Edge Fiction Slam

Over the Edge is celebrating its 17th birthday this weekend with the January Reading & Open Mic night for lovers of poetry and prose.

This month’s Over the Edge reading takes place at Galway City Library from 6:30-8pm, and marks 17 years of writers from Galway and beyond sharing their live of poetry and fiction.

There will as usual be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished which this month includes, among others, fiction writers from the MA in Writing at NUI Galway.

Attracta Fahy is a psychotherapist who lives in Galway. She completed her MA in Writing NUIG in 2017, and participates in the Over The Edge poetry workshops.

Her poems have been published in The Irish Times, Banshee, Poetry Ireland Review, Poethead, Coast to Coast to Coast, Orbis, Crossways and many, many more places at home and abroad.

She was shortlisted for 2018 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year, and was a Blue Nib nominee for a Pushcart prize. Her debut poetry pamphlet will be published by Fly On The Wall Poetry (UK) early in 2020.

Orla Fahy lives in Meath, where she is the editor of Boyne Berries, a collection of new poetry and prose published on an annual basis.

Recently her work has been published in The Irish Times, Poetry Ireland Review, ROPES 2019, Quarryman, Ink, Sweat and Tears and more.

She was shortlisted for The Cúirt New Writing Prize 2019, longlisted for the Anthony Cronin Poetry Award 2019 and won 3rd place in The Oliver Goldsmith Poetry Award 2019.

Louise Kennedy is a Sligo woman whose fiction has been published in The Stinging Fly, Banshee and The Tangerine, and was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award 2019

Bloomsbury will publish The End of the World is a Cul de Sac, her debut collection of short stories, in early 2021.

This reading celebrates the seventeenth anniversary of the first Over The Edge reading in Galway City Library and there will be a birthday party afterwards.

There will be an open-mic after the Featured Readers have finished. New readers are always especially welcome. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone 087-6431748.