Athenry Walled Town Day set to go virtual for first time

galway daily athenry walled town day

Now in its 14th year, Athenry Walled Town Day is set to go virtual for the first time due to Covid-19.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Learning from our Heritage’ – and will be a family focused fun day where all sectors of the community can gain a better appreciation of the medieval town walls and the town itself.

The events are programmed to suit all age groups and have a strong educational
and awareness building theme.

Marie Mannion, Heritage Officer, Galway County Council said: “Athenry Virtual Walled Towns Day 2020 has been designed to be inclusive, accessible, fun and free for all to view on our websites and social media platforms.”

Alan Burgess, Manager, Athenry Arts Heritage Centre added: “The programme reflects the medieval history of Athenry and is a platform to showcase craft, food, art weaponry music, the rich heritage assets of the town.”

Dr Christy Cunniffe, Dr Jeff Dann, GK Media and Gary Dempsey will be in attendance, as they take people on virtual tours of Athenry Walls, Castle, Dominican Friary, the Mace and Seal of Athenry, Loro Gate and St Mary’s.

Loughrea Craft Club have two videos on how to make a medieval castle and how to make medieval characters for your castle and Athenry Medieval Times newspaper is a must read as is Athenry Medieval activity book.

There is also an online etching exhibition by Martina Passman of the main medieval features of the town. This exhibition is also on view in Athenry Heritage Centre.

Gary Dempsey has created wonderful 3D models of Athenry Market Cross, the Mace
& Seal of Athenry and elements of the Dominican Priory.

Film maker Paul Murphy has produced an excellent film on the Art and Craft of Spinning with Sandra King, Irish Fibre Crafters and Medieval Combat Armour by Brian Quinn. Anna O’Donnell, Gastronomy Heritage Expert showcases the art of Butter making on the banks of the Clarin river.

Listen to a podcast of a walking tour of Athenry by Sally Ann Barrett, Galway Bay FM as she interviews Alan Burgess and Dr Jeff Dann on the wonderful treasures to be found as you walk around the town of Athenry.

Gary Dempsey has created 3D models of various elements of the medieval heritage of Athenry including the market cross, the seal of Athenry and the tomb of Meiler de

Harper Úna Ní Fhlannagáin has produced 10 videos entitle “Noteable Events – Irish
Music and History” and she will give the historical context behind a selection of
Irish pieces she plays.

Artist John Flynn has created excellent post cards on Athenry Madonna Athenry, the
14th century Mace and Seal of Athenry and the Market Cross. Copies are available
from Athenry Heritage Centre and the Heritage Office, Galway County Council.