Unique anthology of Irish prose to be launched next week

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A unique anthology of prose by Irish working-class writers will be launched on Monday 16 November by Clare Daly MEP.

From the Plough to the Stars: An Anthology of Working People’s Prose from Contemporary Ireland has 50 contributions from across the island of Ireland, driving home the fact that their life experience as working people is the same.

The common focus is on themes which reflect the texture and preoccupations of working-class life in contemporary Ireland.

The writers create a complex and varied image of Irish working people today, one that challenges conventional stereotypes of their class.

The anthology is edited by Jenny Farrell, has a foreword by Gerry Murphy, President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and it has been generously supported and promoted by the Irish labour movement.

It is the follow-up volume to Children of the Nation: An Anthology of Working People’s Poetry from Contemporary Ireland, published by Culture Matters in 2019.

Price: €12/ £11 plus p. and p. Available from the Culture Matters website, culturematters.org.uk.