Planning refused for large scale residential development in Ballinasloe

Galway Daily news Planning refused for large scale residential development in Ballinasloe

An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for a large residential development of 165 houses and apartments in Ballinasloe.

A Strategic Housing Development application had been made by Limehill Esker to An Bord Pleanála back in 2022 for an estate located at Dunlo & Pollboy, Ballinasloe.

The irregularly shaped 6.6ha site is to the south of the town centre, and directly south of the Tesco supermarket.

The proposed estate would be served by two new access roads connecting with existing roads at Tesco and Eiscir Riada estate.

The proposed housing comprised 32 two-bed, semi-detached houses, 27 three-bed terraced units in blocks of three, along with 14 three-storey apartment buildings, with a total of 106 apartments & duplexes.

An Architectural Design Statement for the plans states that the estate has been laid out in a compact and sustainable urban design pattern, which respects the existing site features.

The estate was to have a total of 281 car parking spaces, with 163 spaces designated for the apartments, and 118 within the curtilage of the houses.

A response from Limehill Esker to their initial consultation with An Bord Pleanála stated that, though 65.5% of the lands were rezoned from Residential (Phase 1) to Residential (Phase 2) in the new county development plan, which came into effect that summer, it is still justified.

It states that this land is one of the most substantial in close proximity to the town centre, can be easily connected to existing services, and would be consistent with phased development of the area.

In refusing planning permission, An Bord Pleanála raised a number of concerns about the design of the development, and the zoning of the lands it would be built on.

The board said that the plans include residential construction and associated infrastructure on lands which are zoned Open Space/Recreation and Amenity in the Ballinasloe Local Area Plan 2022 – 2028.

The decision also noted that lands zoned Residential Phase 2 make up a significant portion of the site, and allowing this would materially contravene the LAP until a “substantial portion” of all Phase 1 lands have been developed.

The “roads dominated layout” of the estate design was also criticised, with the board’s decision stating that the layout lacked connectivity and permeability, would promote the use of private cars over sustainable transport, and endanger public safety by traffic hazards.

The removal and segregation of field boundaries, which are of “local biodiversity and cultural heritage value” were also cited.

Finally, the board said that it was not satisfied with the proposed surface water drainage system submitted with the application, or that the development wouldn’t affect the River Suck Callows Special Area of Conservation.