Senator Dolan welcomes new govt science adviser

Galway Daily news Four Galway-based healthcare projects awarded over €19 million

Galway Senator Aisling Dolan has welcomed the decision to appoint a new Government Science Adviser.

Applications have now closed for the appointment, but it is expected a new adviser will be appointed early in the New Year.

Senator Aisling Dolan said that at a global level, Ireland ranks fourth in immunology, fourth in nanoscience, and second for agricultural research.

She said that the high level of SFI, International and Horizon Europe of research awards to principal investigators and their research teams of postdocs, PhDs and Masters’ students shows the incredible research in Irish universities across the country.

“This international mobile community of researchers see Ireland as the place to achieve excellence in their chosen fields,” said the Fine Gael senator.

“We need to maintain that focus on excellence, hard won over the past twenty years when funding was scarcer for third level research.

“At a recent Joint Oireachtas Education Committee, an official from Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science pointed out an increase of 81% in research expenditure since 2010.”

Senator Dolan said this spend in research and innovation is crucial to strengthen Ireland’s ranking on innovation and further increases are needed.

“Our economic success in many industries is based on a solid foundation of research and development, as SMEs, and larger enterprise work with universities to stay a step ahead.

“Together with the establishment of the new Research & Innovation Ireland agency, both this role and the new agency will be game changers for Ireland.

“The Government Science Adviser will chair the National Science Forum of experts on global challenges and make the case for investment in these areas. This forum will also assist cross-government departments to provide additional scientific input.”