Respond building 101 social housing units across Galway

Galway Daily news Homelessness in Galway spiked in late 2023

Respond, one of Ireland’s largest approved housing bodies, is on track to deliver more than 100 new social housing units in Galway.

The approved housing body has 101 homes currently under construction in Galway, after completing 87 new social homes across the county in 2022.

Respond now owns and operates 375 homes here in Galway, accommodating a total of 681 tenants in the city and county.

Respond is on track to triple the number of social and cost rental homes it has in construction nationwide to over 4,100 in the coming months, expanding its construction programme over the next 12 months to €2 billion.

These figures were announced as Respond’s Annual Report 2022 was launched by the Housing Minister this week.

Respond Spokesperson Niamh Randall said, “Our Annual Report details the ongoing effort and commitment of our development and housing teams to help alleviate the urgent need for more social and cost rental housing across the country.”

“Our focus is on adding to the national housing stock, and the Fixed Price Contracts we have agreed with several developers mean we could quickly triple the number of social and cost rental homes we have in construction to 4,100 with Government support.”

“These are large scale, development projects which will provide the volume of homes desperately needed, while also building inclusive, long-term sustainable communities.”

Respond has begun construction on 3,347 homes since March 2018, and now manages 7,084 properties providing homes for 16,541 tenants.

Last year it delivered 484 new social and cost rental homes and commenced construction of a further 460 homes, despite rising construction costs.

Respond focuses on building new social housing, rather than buying existing properties, which they estimate saves up to €60,000 per unit compared to a housing acquisition model.

Minister Darragh O’Brien said, “Through the hard work of Approved Housing Bodies like Respond, our social and cost rental housing supply is increasing and we are going in the right direction.”

“Increasing supply is at the heart of Housing for All and is key to ensuring families can secure accommodation at affordable prices and that our housing market functions effectively. Respond’s work is critical in helping us towards achieving these aims.”

In addition to social housing, in 2022 Respond provided early learning and school aged care services for 638 children; emergency accommodation for 161 homeless families; integration assistance for 150 refugees; and helped 244 older people live independently.