Grants announced for groups delivering music education

Galway Daily news grant for music groups

Minister for Education Norma Foley has announced the opening of applications for grants for various groups which allow for activities such as group music classes to take place in the community.

The Non-Mainstream Music Education Bursary Scheme 2023 will provide grants to organisations with limited or no access to other forms of public funding.

The total budget available in 2023 under the bursary scheme is €100,000.

Minister Foley said that it is vital that we provide our children and young learners with as many opportunities as possible to express themselves and show their creativity.

“I strongly believe that this grant can enhance, empower and enable community organisations to continue providing music tuition and classes for the remainder of the year,” she said.

The purpose of the scheme is to provide support by way of a cash grant, to established, smaller-scale, non-mainstream music education or community music initiatives.

Grants can be used to purchase instruments, other equipment and tuition. Grants are not intended for use on capital expenditure such as structural or building costs.

Interested parties can find the application form on the department’s website at the following link: – Non-Mainstream Music Education Bursary Scheme.