Works begin at Merlin Park Hospital’s new outpatients department

galway daily news merlin park hospital outpatient department

Galway University Hospitals has said that construction of the new outpatients department at Merlin Park Hospital is now underway, with the first phase of the works costing €15.5m.

The development will include a two-storey Outpatients Department (OPD) with parking spaces, bicycle parking, pedestrian footpaths, lighting, and associated signage and landscaping.

The new building will assist in meeting service demands and will provide an improved environment for patients and staff along with dedicated areas for virtual clinics.

It will also allow for some of UHG’s outpatient clinics to be relocated.

Hospital Manager, Chris Kane, said that they are delighted to be progressing this essential project which will “greatly enhance local access to non-acute patient care” in the region.

She said that the first phase of this OPD project is part of a “major capital scheme for Galway University Hospitals”, and they will be “seeking further funding for a second phase to facilitate additional clinical space.”

The development is part of a wider development plan currently being progressed for GUH, where there is a bed capacity deficit of 222 beds.

The Saolta Group and GUH have identified and are currently progressing a number of priority capital projects which are necessary to address capacity issues on site.

These are: a new permanent Emergency Department and Women and Children’s Block; a replacement laboratory department; a ward block and Cancer Centre; and an elective hospital for the region.