Plans submitted for Headford Road apartment complex

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Plans have been submitted to the city council by Sweetbay Ltd for two developments totaling 81 apartments in Ballinfoile on the outskirts of the city.

The project consists of two separate planning applications lodged this month, for residential developments at Tornóg, on the Headford Road.

The first contains two three-storey apartment blocks, and two two/three-storey blocks.

These will have a total of 36 units, comprising 14 two-bed apartments and 22 three-bed units, along with a creche.

The second application is for the construction of an assisted living apartment building of four storeys over an undercroft.

This will have a total of 45 units, comprising 13 one-bed and 32 two-bed apartments, along with support facilities and communal space.

A decision on both planning applications is due from the city council by January 6 of next year.