Age friendly adustments made to seating in Salthill

galway daily news community groups sitting in salthill

Mayor of Galway City Cllr Clodagh Higgins has met with a number of local community groups to test out the new Age Friendly seating located adjacent to Ladies Beach in Salthill. 

Age Friendly Galway worked in collaboration with Galway City Council to make subtle changes to the upgrade works recently carried out in Salthill.

The height of the seating was adjusted, arm rests were installed to give additional support and the angle of the backrest was tilted to ensure the experience is comfortable for all.

The location is supported by public toilets, public parking and provides a fantastic view across the bay.

Galway City Council is inviting suggestions of where else may require seating improvements or new seating to ‘ensure Galway is a great city to grow old in’. 

“I’m delighted to be in a position to launch this project, particularly as the project was the result of such close cooperation and design across Galway City Council,” said Mayor Higgins.

“The project adds hugely to the attractiveness and suitability of the public realm in the heart of our city.”