Irish Academy publishes detailed plan for regional growth

galway daily news irish engineers report on growth for Galway city

The Irish Academy of Engineering has published a detailed plan for the sustainable development of Ireland’s Atlantic City Regions including Galway.

The Academy’s new report – an update on its original assessment issued in 2016 – sets out the infrastructural needs deemed necessary to achieve the balanced regional development goals envisaged by the NDP.

The NDP envisaged the half of the one million additional citizens expected by 2040 would live and work in the Atlantic Cities regions with the remainder in the Greater Dublin region.

The report, titled Towards 2040 – The Atlantic City Regions, consists of analysis and recommendations on investment across areas such as Energy, Broadband, Transportation, and Water Services.

Tom Leahy, President of the Irish Academy of Engineering, said that the four ‘Atlantic Cities’ can achieve balanced regional development and energise their catchment regions if this ambitious integrated infrastructure is delivered to support the population growth targets for these cities by 2040.

He said that it is essential that infrastructure is delivered on time and that the planning system needs urgent reform.

“Investors need certainty regarding timetables for development consents, which is not possible under the current system,” said Mr Leahy.

“The Academy believes this plan will deliver an increasingly connected network of co-operating and complementary city regions and achieve the long-held ambition of balanced regional development.”

The full report can be found here.