Irish Water needs to improve communication on outages City Cllr says

Galway Daily news overnight water outages

Irish Water needs to improve the way it communicates with customers when issues arise, City Councillor Alan Cheevers has said.

Cllr Cheevers said that when there are Irish Water needs to do better about updating customers when there are outages.

This comes after a “major disruption” to the water supply in parts of Ballybane, Doughiska, and Ballybrit last week.

Cllr Cheevers said that some houses in the east side of the city were without water for up to 48 hours, with the only available information being on their website.

“I rang on few occasions to the help desk and was given varied times when water would resume.”

“It is very confusing, especially for families with young children who need water. Also many elderly may not have access to internet to get messaging,” Alan Cheevers said.

Irish Water typically only notifies of outages through its Supply and Service Updates website page.

Notifications here will usually have an estimated time when water is expected to be restored, but repairs can at times take significantly longer, and the notification is usually not updated until they are completed.

Cllr Cheevers said that Irish Water needs to look at other methods of messaging their customers.