Cosmo Off-Licence: Clarification


On 10 May Galway Daily published a report after a statement from the FSAI welcomed prosecutions brought by the HSE against three people relating to the sale or supply of alcohol.

The article reported the sentencing of Mr Aiden Cummins, of the Front Room in Tuam, on five charges, after a significant quantity of counterfeit Smirnoff Red Label Vodka was found on the premises.

The article wrongly suggested that Mr Joe Cummins and Ms Rachel Cummins of Cosmo Off-Licence in Tuam supplied these counterfit spirits to Mr Aiden Cummins.

Neither Mr Joe Cummins nor Ms Rachel Cummins is related to Aiden Cummins. The prosecutions taken by the HSE against Mr Joe Cummins and Ms Rachel Cummins were separate to those taken against Mr Aiden Cummins.

Mr Joe Cummins entered a guilty plea to charges of failing to maintain records of the supplier of Smirnoff Red Label vodka and failure to maintain records of the dates of transactions/delivery in respect of Smirnoff Red Label vodka supplied to him from a third party.

Ms Rachel Cummins entered a guilty plea to a charge of failing to notify the official agency of an establishment under her control with a view to registration.

We apologise for any confusion as a result of the article and we are happy to clarify the position.