Deadline approaching for Draft Galway City Development Plan submissions

Galway Daily news

The deadline is approaching for people to make written submissions or observations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029.

Galway City Council thanked those who have shared their views so far, and reminded people that there is still time to get involved before the deadline next Wednesday, 13 April.

Speaking about the Draft Galway City Development Plan consultation, Mayor of Galway City Colette Connolly said that people made valuable submissions during the Pre-Draft Plan consultation stage which informed the preparation of the Draft Plan.

Mayor Connolly encouraged everyone to review the draft plan, saying that the input of the public is crucial to the process of preparing the plan.

The Draft Development Plan is available to view and download from the council’s consultation portal and the council’s website

The Draft Plan is also available to inspect in the Galway City Council Planning Office and at all city libraries.

The Development Plan Team is available to discuss any aspect of the Development Plan. Appointments can be made on, by email at or by calling 091 536599.

Submissions or observations can be made through Galway City Council’s online consultation portal at

A submission or observation can also be made by post to Senior Planner, Planning Department, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8 or via email

Submissions should be made in one form only and all submissions and observations will be available to view on