Beloved Galway City nightclub making grand reopening

Galway Daily news Iconic Galway nightclub reopening this weekend

DNA nightclub, one of the last still standing in Galway City, is reopening its doors this Thursday evening.

The popular nightclub is reopening for the first time in more than a month, since being forced to close last December.

Tickets have already sold out on eventbrite for the grand reopening of the club on Thursday at 10pm.

Nightclubs were only allowed to reopen last Saturday when the government announced that almost all restrictions were being removed.

But the sudden nature of the announcement, which included lifting the 8pm closing time, meant that it took some time for many hospitality businesses to get back to full steam.

Before Christmas, DNA temporarily converted to a late bar after nightclubs were ordered closed, but had to shut down altogether when the 8pm closing time was introduced.

DNA is one of the only nightclubs left in Galway City, following the permanent closure of Electric and Halo last November.