UHG bucks national trend as Covid cases rise at hospital


The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases at University Hospital Galway rose by seven to 83 in the latest HSE figures – despite hospitalisations falling nationally.

There were 907 people with the virus in Irish hospitals when the data was taken last night – with UHG recording the highest number of cases of any hospital in the State.

This has risen slightly to 940 today, but the figure is still a significant decrease since yesterday morning when 1,023 cases were hospitalised.

Five of the patients with COVID at UHG are in the intensive care unit, while one of the 11 11 confirmed cases at Portiunucla Hospital are in ICU.

Nationally, there are 89 people with the disease in intensive care units.

A further 17,065 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported by the Department of Health yesterday.