Booster appointments now open to 16-29 year olds at Ballybrit

galway daily news Spring vaccination campaign

People aged 16 to 29 may now book an appointment to get a booster vaccine at the Ballybrit Vaccination Centre. 

The appointments are open to those who had their first round of COVID-19 vaccination at least 90 days ago.

People in this age category can book a free booster vaccine appointment for at and search ‘book booster’ – or click here.

Ballybrit Vaccination Centre appointments are now available to book on:

Thursday 06 January between 8.30am and 6.30pm

Saturday 08 January between 8.30am and 6.30pm

Sunday 09 January between 2.00pm and 6.00pm

The booster booking page is updated regularly with additional dates.

For those who have had COVID-19, they can get the booster dose vaccine three months after their positive test result. 

People aged 30 or older can also book a booster appointment on