No ICU beds free at University Hospital Galway

Galway Daily news

The number of COVID-19 cases at Portiuncula Hospital has declined sharply in the past few days, after reaching high levels earlier in the week.

There are just five confirmed cases at Portiuncula in the latest figures from the HSE, less than half the number present just two days before.

At University Hospital Galway case numbers have begun to creep back up after declining steadily in the past week, with 20 people hospitalised with COVID as of Friday night.

The number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care units in Galway remain low, at two each in Portiuncula at UHG.

But despite this are no ICU beds available at University Hospital Galway in the latest figures, and just one at Portiuncula Hospital.

UHG has 14 regular beds available, but Portiuncula had none as of Friday morning.

The health service has been increasingly struggling with managing another wave of COVID alongside regular hospital services, especially heading into the winter.

Nationwide there were 607 people hospitalised with the virus, of whom 118 have been admitted to intensive care units for treatment.