Council advancing Cross-City Link bus corridor plans

Galway Daily transport Plans progress for Cross-City Link bus corridor

Plans for the city council’s ambitious Cross-City Link bus corridor are continuing to advance, and are now before An Bord Pleanála.

A public consultation was held on the proposed bus corridor, which would enhance public transport links between the east and west sides of the city last year.

The city council is now engaging in a consultation process with An Bord Pleanála before a planning application is made for the project.

The proposed Cross-City Link would cover a route through the city centre, connecting University Road with the Dublin Road.

The goal of the bus corridor is to deliver improved journey times for buses, decrease car traffic, and encourage more sustainable travel modes.

It will achieve this by creating a route along which public transport will be given priority, including by restriction private car traffic on certain routes and times.

These bus routes and traffic restrictions would be in place from 7am to 7pm, with a window in the late morning and early afternoon for loading and deliveries at city centre businesses.

The strategy also aims to improve pedestrian and cycling facilities such as footpaths, cycle lanes, and road crossings along the route, as well as to create public plaza areas to enhance the public realm.

Details about the proposed Cross-City Link bus corridor can still be found online in the virtual information room created for last year’s public consultation.

A pre-application consultation request concerning this project was submitted to the Bord on October 18.

The consultation, with associated feedback, is due to conclude by March 1 of 2022 before the city council can then make a planning application for the Cross-City Link.