Galway City Community Network calls for climate action

Galway Daily news Community Climate Action public information evenings in Galway City

The Galway City Community Network held its summer plenary meeting recently, where there was a strong focus on encouraging climate action.

Motions passed at the meeting called for the city council to encourage climate action and sustainability, both at a local and national level, as well as ensuring that everyone is able to engage with local government.

The meeting was joined by Mayor of Galway City Colette Connolly, who spoke about the need for the city development plan to reflect the input of the community sector, and protect recreational amenities that making Galway such a welcoming city.

Ann Irwin, GCCN Coordinator said “We are delighted that the Mayor of Galway City joined us for what is our second Plenary meeting of the year.”

“It was encouraging to hear that Cllr Colette Connolly’s priorities for her term as Mayor and for the new City Development Plan are aligned with the needs of the community, voluntary and environmental sectors in the city, including marginalised communities.”

The Galway City Community Network represents more than 150 voluntary, environmental, and community organisations in the city.

The GCCN serves as a bridge between these groups, and the communities they represent, and Galway City Council.

Three motions were passed at the GCCN’s plenary meeting last week, calling on the city council to improve accessibility to council documents, support a fracking ban, and develop a greenhouse emissions strategy.

The first motion called for the city council to ensure that all of its documents are published in a machine readable format, for the benefit of people with vision loss.

The second asks the council to call on the Irish government to propose a UN General Assembly resolution calling for a global ban on fracking.

The final motion calls for the city council, working with “third level institutions and the relevant state agencies”, to develop a greenhouse gas emissions baseline for the city, against which progress can be measured.