Water outages affecting 800 city properties for 2nd day in a row

Galway Daily news Water outages expected in Loughrea tomorrow

Approximately 800 properties in Briarhill and Doughiska are experiencing water outages due to a burst mains for the second day in a row.

Irish Water repaired a burst water main on the Monivea Road yesterday, but another burst occurred on the same mains near the Clayton Hotel this morning.

Tim O’Connor, Asset Operations Lead for Irish Water said that emergency repairs are being carried out this morning.

Traffic management measures will be in place while repair works are being carried out.

The water outages are expected to continue until 4pm this afternoon while repairs are taking place.

However it may take 2 – 3 hours after this before people see their full water supply return while the network refills.

“Irish Water understands the inconvenience to customers when their water supply is affected and we would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation while this unplanned outage is attended to.”

Updates on this situation can be found on Irish Water’s Supply and Service website page.