NUIG Students’ Union to hold series of events to mark SHAG Week

shag week nui galway

A series of online events will be held by NUIG Students’ Union over the coming days to mark Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance (SHAG) Week.

The events will look at key issues impacting on the sexual health and wellbeing of students including sexual self confidence, contraception, STIs, safe online sex and sexual education reform.

Among the events scheduled is a panel discussion which will take place on Wednesday looking at sexual education reform in the Irish Education System.

A recent report found that relationships and sexuality education taught in Irish schools was outdated and in need of a major overhaul, with concerns being raised over how a school’s ethos may influence what is taught to pupils.

The panel will examine these issues and discuss what needs to be done to change the current system.

The ever popular Sex Toy Bingo will be back on Friday with all ticket sale proceeds going to the SU Charities – Galway Rape Crisis Centre, Galway Autism Partnership and Helplink Mental Health.

Students will have the chance to take part in online bingo hosted by comedian Steve Bennett where the prizes are all sex toys from Irish company Sex Siopa!

“We have some great workshops and events coming up this week for SHAG Week,” said Students’ Union Vice-President/Welfare and Equality Officer Róisín Nic Lochlainn.

“These events aim to provoke discussion about our sexual health and wellbeing.

“With so many of our interactions taking place online during the pandemic issues of safe online sex and online consent need to be highlighted.”

Students’ Union President Pádraic Toomey added that he hopes that the SHAG week events will encourage our students to take a responsible attitude to sexual health and healthy relationships.

“We still have a long way to go in Irish society in terms of breaking down the taboo of talking about sex,” said Pádraic.

“We want our students to be educated about their sexual safety and this should begin in the school system.”

A full list of events can be found HERE.