Salthill Promenade lights up clean and green

Galway Daily news Salthill Promenade lights up clean and green

Galway City Council has completed the first phase of energy efficiency upgrades to the public lighting along the Salthill Promenade.

The newly installed public lights offer improved visibility for people out walking, at a time when more people than ever are out walking, and also use less electricity.

Phase 2 of the Salthill Promenade project is due to be completed in March of this year.

This project on the prom is linked with the installation of interactive smart lights in the form of 1.5m high bollards installed along the coast in the Claddagh.

These work are part of Galway City Council’s overall Public Lighting LED Energy Efficient Upgrade Programme where all public lights under the control of Galway City Council are planned to be upgraded by 2023 at a cost of €4 million.

The goal of this is reduce the energy consumption of the public lighting, which accounts for roughly half of the electricity used by local authorities.

The project also enhances lighting for the public and has reduced maintenance costs going forward.

As a project deemed critical, work has continued on this despite the current Level 5 COVID-19 restrictions.

In 2020 alone the council replaced 1,900 public lights with energy efficient LED lamps, which saves more than €110,000 per annum.