Plans for new gym and leisure centre in Headford

Galway Daily new Plans for new gym and leisure centre in Headford

Plans have been submitted to Galway County Council for the construction of a new gym and leisure centre for the people of Headford.

Moyne Villa FC is seeking planning permission for a new 448sqm gym and leisure centre at the existing community sports facility in Headford.

The development would create a “vitally important community leisure facility” for the area the planning application states, which would be open to groups such as the nearby primary and secondary schools.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by February 24.

An Agent’s Report by Patrick J Newell Chartered Engineers states that the new building has been designed to have a low impact on the area, with a maximum ridge height of 5m.

It is also proposed to excavate the site so that the finished floor level is “as low as it is practical to achieve” on the finished building.

There are currently 89 parking spaces at the site, and it is not expected that the new development will require additional spaces, as it will not be used for assemblies or large gatherings.

“A number of community groups have stated the positive impact that such a facility would have for the community in Headford, providing access to gymnasium and leisure facilities which are not currently available in the locality.”

“Sitting the development within the village will allow access to members of the public without the need to drive to the location and the proximity to the HSE operated mental health services adjacent to the development will have an obvious benefit to the community.”