Water outages expected in Carrowbrowne and Curraghline today

Galway Daily news Water outages in Moycullen

Water outages are expected for homes and businesses in Carrownbrowne and the Curraghline today due to works taking place on the network.

People on the Curraghline and Carrowbrowne Group Water Supply may experience water outages today between 11am and 4pm.

These outages are due to the laying of new watermains in the area Galway County Council has said.

A traffic management plan will be in place for the duration of the works today.

“Galway County Council wish to apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused by these essential works.”

Affected homes and businesses are advised that it may take 2 – 3 hours after works are completed before their full water supply is restored as the network refills.

Updates can be found via Irish Water’s Supply and Service website page.