‘How dare you treat the people of Ireland like this’ says Galway TD

Galway Daily TD attacks EU Army pesco

Galway West TD Catherine Connolly unleashed a blistering attack on the government in relation to the European security project Pesco before it was passed by the Dáil by 75 votes to 42.

Earlier in the day, some TDs said that Pesco would lead to a European Army.

Catherine Connolly said that the government has lost all concept of right and wrong and accused them of double-speak in regards to their arguments in favour of this motion.

She also accused the government of insulting the people of Ireland.

“It is spelled out in black and white,” Deputy Connolly said.

“Did you read this document? Is that what we’re signing up to? Are we opting into page 2 and opting out of page 3 or what are we doing?”

In a sharp attack aimed at the government, she asked: “What are we signing up to? Who has seen it? When are we going to see it? After the decision is made next week?

“We haven’t been told why there’s a rush on the decision –  why does it have to be done this week?

“Cén fath é sin? An bhfuil a fhios agat? An bhfuil fhios ag aon duine sa Dáil seo why this has to be done by next week without any information before us?”

She continued by attacking Leo Varadkar.

“And we have an absolutely contemptuous level of argument from the Taoiseach and from the minister here this morning referring to hysterical and exaggerated, and that we should go and educate ourselves and we’ve had plenty of time to do it.Really?

“This is the most serious instrument that you’re going to sign next week with the most serious implications in a country where nine people have been found dead on our streets, not in the year, but since August.

“And there’s absolutely no hesitation in committing millions – the figures have been quoted – it’s like monopoly money – to increase our spending to encourage an industrial military complex to encourage the arms industry, all in the guise of peace enforcement.

“Ye have turned language on its head. I think you have forgotten the difference between right and wrong. I think you’ve utterly forgotten the difference between the truth and a lie. And you insult the people of Ireland who have repeatedly in various polls told us that they hold the concept of neutrality dearly and they do not want it abandoned.

“And if it is to be abandoned, let us do it in a truthful way, with knowledge to everybody. How dare you treat the people of Ireland like this,” she concluded.

Supporters of the motion said that it would help protect Europe and shared information between countries within a unified arrangement was something to strive towards.

Alan Farrell TD said that it will in fact save Ireland money long-term, in that it will mean access to security information across our continent.

Ireland will join other neutral countries such as Sweden, Finland and Austria. It may also lessen the EU’s reliance on the USA which is seen as a positive move among EU governments.