Tuam traveller community raises €1,000 to feed UHG staff

Galway Daily news Tuam traveller community raises €1,000 to feed UHG staff

The past few weeks have seen incredible efforts from people of all walks of life to support the most vulnerable, and most essential, during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the hospital workers who are looking out for us all.

The Traveller Community in Tuam are among those who came together to show their support for frontline medical workers by

They raised €1,000 which has been donated to Galway University Hospitals, and will be used to buy food for frontline hospital staff at UHG who are working morning, noon, and night in the current crisis.

Chris Kane, General Manager at the hospital said, “We are overwhelmed by the support that we have received from our community throughout Galway City and County.

“I am delighted to accept this cheque from the Traveller Community in Tuam which will be used towards food for doctors and nurses in UHG.”

Pictured at the cheque presentation outside UHG, and all keeping a good 2m between them, are Mr John O’Donnell, Consultant in Emergency Medicine; Marie Burns, Director of Nursing; Deirdre O’Brien, Clinical Nurse Manager 3, Emergency Department and Chris Kane General Manager, GUH.