Moycullen restaurant helping people cocoon with a taste of Galway

Galway Daily news Moycullen restaurant helping people cocoon with a taste of Galway

White Gables have been in business in Moycullen for almost 30 years. They’ve seen many changes and adapted their business to meet all of them.

Anne and Kevin Dunne, owners of the White Gables Moycullen restaurant and artisan food store, have been thinking in recent days about how they can reach out to their customers in this time of crisis.

This is something of particular importance to those people asked to cocoon, the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions.

When one door closes one has to find another one to open, hence the beginning of the Cocooning Hampers from White Gables.

Items are handpicked from their store in Moycullen and selected with the over 70’s in mind to bring them a little joy as they spend time away from their loved ones.

“We wanted to reach out to our customers who cannot visit us and this is a perfect way to do so,” Anne Dunne said.

“As our food shop & bakery continues to stay open it enables us to keep working away while the restaurant is closed.”

“We are delighted to be here for our community who have always been there for us for the past 29 years.”

“We feel it brings a bit of normality into people’s lives in this uncertain time,” explained Anne Dunne.

Hampers cost from just €50 each and can be purchased online at