Feeding the Tribe: Hospitality group serves over 1,000 meals to front line staff

Galway Daily life & style Hospitality group serves over 1,000 meals to front line staff

Tribe Hospitality in Galway have been extending their tribe to provide over 1,000 meals to front line medical workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Over 12 days ago, Business man Kevin Nugent, MD of Tribe Hospitality, got an email from a woman who wanted in some way to help front line staff but had no real way of directly helping.

She wanted to support with money and from this sprang the idea of ‘Let’s Feed the heroes who are helping to save all our lives.

A gofundme page with a target of €500 was set up, and in just four days it blew past that target to raise €7,000, with donations continuing to pour in.

Tribe Hospitality have now served over 1,000 meals to staff at UCHG in Galway and have coupled this with gathering surplus food and bringing to Galway Simon community.

Tribe Hospitality’s Mr Waffle location in Newcastle which is directly across from UHG opened their doors for all HSE staff only last week.

They could get a coffee they actually wanted and were treated to some in house bakes as well.

Mr Waffle staff volunteered their time to work and social distancing was observed throughout this coffee/tea service for HSE staff.

“We never expected the response from the local community and businesses in enabling us to feed and provide coffee to the front line staff in UHG,” explained Kevin Nugent.

“Between the kindness and encouragement from local businesses and the general public, we have been able to continue providing lunches to the incredible staff in UHG, despite closing all our stores.”

“Again, this is not something we ever expected. This is an operation that would not have been possible without the support of the public and other local businesses.”

“This is a challenging time for everyone, but everyone rallying together to support these incredible workers will try and help them get through this difficult time.”

The crowdfunding page is over €12k now and “it has been so heart-warming and also it give a sense of purpose and perspective. We will continue to do this work as long as we can.”