Definitely not a phone, Oranmore getting a new defibrillator in an old phone box

Galway Daily news Defibrillator in a phone box Oranmore

That’s not a phone, so definitely don’t put it up to your ear. Galway County Council has given permission for the erection of an old school telephone box with a defibrillator inside in Oranmore.

The phone box and defibrillator will be located in Oranmore Village centre, in the green next to the car park.

The planning application was made by Oranmore Community Development Association, a registered charity whose purpose is, as their name suggests, to promoted the development of the community.

The application went through easily, with the Athenry-Oranmore office of the county council saying that it is in “full agreement” with the proposal.

Galway County Council granted planning permission with five conditions attached.