Rejection of broadband antennae on historic Clifden church appealed

Galway Daily news Plans for broadband antennae on a Clfiden Church rejected again

An appeal has been lodged against the county council’s decision to refuse planning permission for broadband infrastructure on a historic church in Clifden.

Cignal Infrastructure Ltd was refused permission to install six antennae on Christ Church in Clifden to improve local broadband and mobile coverage.

The county council said considering the historical nature of the building, allowing this development to go ahead would affect the “visual setting and integrity of the Christ Church”.

That decision has now been appealed by Cignal to the higher planning authority.

Cignal had planned to attach the antennae and dishes to the outside of the church’s bell tower, with the other equipment contained inside.

It was meant to provide additional broadband and telecoms coverage for eir, and one other potential broadband provider.

The physical impact on the church would be “minimal and reversible” the developer said.

Church of Ireland had granted Cignal their approval to proceed with the project.

However, the county council said that given the prominent location of the church within the town it would detract from the visual amenity of the area, as well as potentially depreciating property values.

An Bord Pleanala is due to make a ruling on this appeal by April 29 of 2020.