Galway projects share in €20 million Sláintecare Integration funding

Galway Daily news People in Galway urged to know their healthcare options for Bank Holiday

Multiple innovative Galway healthcare projects will be sharing in a €20 million pot from the Sláintecare Integration Fund.

The Sláintecare Integration Fund is aimed at testing multiple pilot projects that promote community based healthcare.

Applicants for the fund were judged based on three criteria. Do they: demonstrate innovative ways in which citizens can engage in their own health; represent best practice in the management of chronic diseases and caring for older people, and; encourage innovations in shift of care to the community or promote hospital avoidance.

In Galway, projects in the area of cardiac care included in the fund are community cardiac diagnostics for Galway University Hospital and improvement of patient outcomes for Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe and Primary Care in Galway.

Other projects receiving funding include a podiatry-led pathway for the provision of footwear and orthotics for diabetic care in Galway, Roscommon, and Mayo Community Health Organisation (CHO); telemedicine for Cystic Fibrosis for Galway University Hospital; and individual placement and support for mental health services for Galway, Mayo and Roscommon CHO.

Galway East TD Seán Canney welcomed the announcement, saying that we need innovative thinking to change the healthcare system.

“I am particularly pleased to see the importance of working in partnership being emphasised in these projects and I want to congratulate them all on achieving funding,” Seán Canney added.

He also welcomed funding for national organisations which are active in Galway such as Men’s Sheds and Alone BConnect, which aims to facilitate older people staying healthier for longer in their homes by combining technology with expanded community services.

Over 477 projects applied for the Integration Fund and of those applicants 122 projects were successful.

Minister for Health Simon Harris said “The successful Sláintecare Integration Fund projects are leading examples of how innovative thinking can bring about meaningful and long-lasting change to health and social care in Ireland.”

The Minister said that using community partnerships to change how we deliver healthcare can shift a large burden of care from hospitals to the community, helping to reduce waiting times.