Swimming ban lifted at one city beach and imposed on another

Galway Daily news Swimming ban at Ballyloughane Beach due to E. Coli

A swimming ban at Grattan road beach in place since last Thursday has been lifted, but another one has been imposed at Ballyloughane.

The swimming ban at Grattan Road beach has been lifted after the results of water quality tests carried out on Monday.

After previously testing positive for e-coli last week after heavy rain, Monday’s tests showed improved water quality.

However another swimming ban has been imposed at Ballyloughane due to elevated bacteria levels.

Tests were also carried out at Ballyloughane on Monday, the results of which were received today.

“Galway City Council, in consultation with the HSE, has put in place a ‘Bathing Prohibition Notice’ at Ballyloughane Beach with immediate effect until further notice,” a statement from the city council said.

A warning was put out at Ballyloughane over the weekend in anticipation of potential contamination from expected heavy rains.