Plans for new Presentation convent on Nuns Island

Galway Daily news Decision imminent on plans for new convent in Galway City

Plans have been submitted to the city council for a new convent building next to St. Joesph’s Church for the Presentation Sisters.

Planning permission is being sought for the construction of a two-storey, 14 bedroom convent building with an oratory, reception, living/dining facilities, utility room, and administrator’s apartment.

The new building will go in at the gardens to the north of the existing convent, close to the canal on Nuns Island.

The project will also involve the demolition of existing outbuildings and an extension to Presentation National School including the removal of portacabins.

The disused school, itself a Protected Structure, will be converted to two residential units as part of the new convent facility.

The Presentation Order founded in 1775 by Cork woman Nano Nagle, adopting the rules of St. Augustine.

A branch first opened in Galway on Kirwan’s Lane in 1815 after £6,000 was bequeathed to the order by Rev. Bartholomew Burke, one of the Catholic Vicars of Galway.

In 1819 the sisters moved to the site of the present convent on Nuns Island, which had been built as a charter school that closed in 1788.

An application cover letter from Sean Dockery & Associates architects said “This application is primarily for a new convent building for the sisters within the boundaries of the current premises.”

“It will facilitate a residency to current standards with a building suitable to meet their needs in a manner that is compliant with current Building Regulations”.

“The sitting of the building is selected to minimise the impacts on the gardens. The design of the new building is developed in a manner and with materials to be complementary in form to neighbouring Protected Structures while clearly making its own contemporary contribution to the complex.”

Submissions related to this application can be made to the city council until September 15, and a decision is due by October 6.