HSE submits plans for Tuam Residential Care Centre

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Plans have been submitted to the county council for a 50 bed Residential Care Centre in Tuam.

The HSE is seeking permission to build a Care Centre on a 1.27HA site on the Seam Purcell road.

The plans submitted by the HSE are for a two-storey courtyard building with adjoining service and day care wings which will have ensuite bedrooms for 50 residents.

The residential area includes 10 designated dementia units on the ground floor of the building.

The centre will include a reception area, day care and therapy spaces, activity rooms, dining areas and their associated kitchen facilities, family accommodation and amenities as well as office and administration space.

The HSE said that the “development of this Residential Care Centre and Day Care facility will provide much needed modernised services for those in need of residential care, and their families, within the Tuam and hinterland area.”

Communal and private open space also makes up part of the design with a rooftop terrace garden, landscaped courtyards, and associated site works.

The design of the landscape was laid out to ensure “physical and visual accessibility to the garden areas, internal courtyards, and external terraces,” according to the design statement.

“The external environment will be designed to accommodate places for residents to be alone, places to be with family and friends, places for external therapy and places for staff”.

The centre will be served by 43 car parking spaces and a vehicular set down area along with 12 bicycle spaces. 28 of those spaces will be out front in the public area, with a further 15 spaces in for staff and deliveries in the yard.

A Traffic and Transport Assessment, Archaeological Impact Assessment and Ecological Impact Assessment were submitted with the application.

One objection was received by the county council saying that what was submitted by the developer was not a proper Environmental Impact Assessment, and disagreeing with the claim that the project would not impact local flora or fauna.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on this planning application by August 12.