More time sought for massive revamp of Ceannt Station

Galway Daily news Galway train service disruptions this weekend

More time is being sought for work on major renovations to Ceannt Station.

Iarnrod Eireann is seeking an extension of duration for planning permission granted for work on Ceannt Station by the city council in August 2014.

The project involves the construction of a glazed single storey entrance building with a floor space of 95sqm.

The North East Bay platform will be extended and a two metre high boundary wall will be erected to enclose the extension.

An additional 2,336sqm of train concourse and platform space will also be provided by refurbishing the existing stores and maintenance areas, along with a new pedestrian entrance, and a new partially glazed roof to replace the existing roof structure.

Other internal work in the station will include the “removal of walls within the train station to provide additional ticket purchase facilities, enlarged concourse areas, new toilet facilities, new ticket inspector accommodation North Eastern side of the station.”

The existing steel ramped access at the front entrance will be removed after the new level, pedestrian entrance has been completed at the southern end of Ceannt Station and the original step arrangement of the building will be reinstated.

Iarnrod Eireann also proposes to create “new openings within the existing South Western facade of the building to create new glazed entrances and fenestration.”

On top of “The proposed construction of new sloped approach routes, entrance plazas, street lighting and furniture, new glazed canopies to entrance plazas. New glazed entrances and fenestration to existing openings to South West, South East and North West elevations. ”

Glazed retail pods and a new toilet block will also be installed as part of this project, and new glazed entrance doors will be installed in the existing arches at the North Western and South eastern elevations.

Several lean to buildings at the north western side of the building and a shed at south eastern gable will be demolished to make way for this project, as will a single storey industrial building and multiple fuel silos.

The car park will be complemented with the creation of five new disabled spaces after being reinstated.

While a new pedestrian link will be created between the south east corner of Eyre Square and the new southern station entrance.

Between now and September the NTA will be working on the application for funding under the Urban Regional Development Fund according to the EOD application.

Assuming funding is secured in 2020, it is expected that construction work will begin on Ceannt Station in February 2022, with a view towards being complete by August 2023.

Galway city council is due to make a decision on this EOD application by August 8.